Scrum Story Points

Scrum Story Points

Scrum Story Points are a yardstick to assess the complexity and estimate of the time that is required to implement a specific task (also known as user story). In the Scrum framework, these estimates are used to pursue the progress of a project and to support the planning of the next sprint goals.

The concept of Story Points is abstract and subjective because it is estimated by Team members are based on their experiences and skills. However, it is a helpful way to develop an understanding of the effort that is necessary to implement a task and to create comparability between different tasks.

An important aspect when using story points is that it is not an estimate of the actual time that is necessary for the implementation of a task. Instead, it should be used as an indicator of the complexity and effort.

How are story points calculated?

– Number or a custom scale. A frequent approach is the use of the Fibonacci number series (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 etc.), in which each number represents the sum of the two previous numbers.

Team can discuss and coordinate the size of the best estimate for a specific task. These estimates can be revised over time, especially if the team gains more information and experience.

Advantages of Story Points

  • Abstract estimate: Story points offer an abstract estimation method that enables tasks to appreciate tasks regardless of their actual duration or other factors. Cooperation and coordination within the Scrum team, which contributes to better agreement and responsibility. wins.
  • improved planning: By estimating story points, the Scrum team can make better decisions and better plan the progress of the project.

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